Break Repair in Eldoret Engine Repair in Eldoret Car Repair in Eldoret
Auto Services in Eldoret

What we do?

Ram Auto Garage is a full-service Auto Repair Shop providing quality car care in Eldoret. We provide honest and professional auto repair and vehicle maintenance services to the residents of Eldoret. Not only do we offer professional automotive service specializing in import and domestic maintenance, diagnostics and car repairs.


we understand that your vehicle is a major investment, and that is why we care for each customer’s vehicle as if it were our own.

About Us

Ram auto garage was established since 1979 in eldoret. We are blessed that for over 30 years. The business has been built on repeat customers and their referral.... all without advertising!


Our mechanics are trained to use state-of-the-art tools and equipment to provide the best service possible for your vehicle.

Brakes Repairs

Sometimes, your vehicle's brakes will alert you when there's trouble. Whistling noises, chirping sounds, and grinding are indications that maintenance is required.


Engine Repairs in eldoret

Engine Repairs

Ram Auto Garage can bring your vehicle's engine back to life. How you may ask? Engine service specialists can return your engine to its original-performance condition.

Wheel Alignment in Eldoret kenya

Wheel Alignment

With every wheel alignment, we perform a complete steering and suspension system inspection. In fact, there is not much we don't do when it comes to car alignment or front alignment.

Oil Change in eldoret

Oil Change

Most vehicles are now equipped with the Engine Oil Life System. This system actually senses your vehicle's speed and engine temperature and can continuously monitor operating conditions.